Make maths fun for Early Years children using the Maths: Shape and Measure Going Home Discovery Bag 4-5yrs, perfect for fostering an early interest in maths.
The Early Excellence Going Home Discovery Bags feature carefully selected Early Years resources, designed to support children’s learning and development at home.
The maths Discovery Bags include high quality resources and age-appropriate books to enhance children’s communication, language, mathematical thinking and social development while promoting meaningful interactions between caregivers and children. The bags focus on developing mathematical language and skills in counting, identifying patterns and colours, recognising shapes and developing understanding of shape, space and measure.
The Maths: Shape and Measure Going Home Discovery Bag contains 2 storybooks and a range of high quality 3D and 2D shapes in a range of colours, plusa selection of measuring tools including a wooden ruler, a soft tape measure and dowel rods. The bag also includes a small world kangaroo for children to use while their caregiver reads “How far can a kangaroo jump?” to inspire imaginative play.
The 2D and 3D shapes are an inviting Early Years resource for children to explore. They can match corresponding shapes, such as pairing a square with a cube or a circle with a sphere, helping to develop their understanding of shape properties. As children become more confident with the names of each shape, introduce a maths game of “guess the shape”.
Cut out a hole in a cardboard box and place the shapes inside. Ask children to put their hand into the box and describe what they can feel and see if they can guess the shape. Ask questions including “How many sides does the shape have?”, “Does the shape have curves?”, “Does each side feel like it is the same length?” This investigative play will make learning about shapes fun for children and allows the caregiver to become part of their child’s maths learning journey.
Extend learning by challenging children to count the number of sides and faces that each 3D shape has, further challenge children to put the shapes in order by the number of sides.
Challenge children to use the 3D blocks to build towers, ask children to count the blocks as they build. How many of the blocks can they balance? This activity encourages children to practice concentration and persistence when carrying out tasks, whilst also developing fine motor skills. Introduce the maths measurement tools to children to measure how tall and how wide their tower is.
Collect items around the home such as food tins, cereal boxes, teddies, or household objects for children to measure using the ruler and soft tape measure. Cut smaller pieces of paper, ribbon and string for children to measure using dowel rods. Encourage children to measure each item, record their findings then place the items in size order. Explore mathematical language to describe the size, “Which is bigger/smaller/shorter/taller?”, “How do you know which is the biggest?”. For use with older children, challenge them to convert measurements “If the ribbon is the length of 3 small pieces of dowling, how long is this in cm?”.These experiences encourage mathematical thinking and support making maths and writing meaningful through fun activities.
The maths set is conveniently stored in a sturdy transparent zipped bag, making it easy for practitioners to share the learning resources with families to take home and enjoy.
Explore the full range of Going Home Discovery Bags and Going Home Story Bags for more creative ways to develop parent partnerships.
The Maths: Shape and Measure Going Home Discovery Bag 4-5yrs includes:
- A set of inviting maths resources consisting of: Set of flat 2D transparent coloured shapes, set of 3D coloured shapes, wooden ruler, wooden dowel rods in 3 various sizes, soft tape measure tape, small world kangaroo
- 2 age-appropriate books linked to the resources
- 1 transparent plastic book bag with closing zip and sturdy fabric carry handle, approx. 34cm x 39cm x 8cm
- Suitable for ages 4 and over.
Many of our resources are produced in a variety of colours and styles and may vary slightly from those shown, however we guarantee that you will always receive the same quality and value.
Secondary images used for representation purposes only.